Unit 01: Creating a folder

(adapted from: Demetriades, Dinos. Information Technology. Oxford, 2003)


1. Combine os ícones (a-i) com as palavras (1-9) abaixo.


01. Pointer
02. Cursor
03. C: drive icon
04. Folder
05. Close
06. Drop-down menu
07. Minimize
08. Maximize
09. Restore






2. Leia o texto rapidamente. De acordo com o texto, quais palavras do exercício 1 você usa para fazer um folder?

1. To make a new folder in the Windows OS, go to the Desktop, find the My Computer icon with the pointer and double-click it using the left mouse button. The My Computer windows appears, showing the different drives. Maximize the screen if necessary.
2. Double-click the C: drive icon. The C: drive icon window appears showing the folders in your C: drive, either in a row or in a list.
3. Move the pointer to the menu bar. Click on file and a drop-down menu appears. You can only click the words New or Close.
4. Move the pointer to the word New. Another menu appears with Folder at the top of the list.
5. Click on folder. This creates a new folder that appears at the end of the list of folders on the C: drive. The words New Folder are highlighted. The cursor also flashes on and off to show you where to type.
6. Click on New Folder and type the name you want in the box. This can be up to 250 characters long, but you cannot use the caharacters '\ / : * ? " < > |' in your folder name.
7. Click anywhere on the window to see your new folder name. If you don't click on the window, you will save your folder as New Folder, not with the name you want.
8. Close the window.
9. Your new folder is now listed in the C: drive in alphabetical order.


I use

3. Combine as figuras (a-d) com os números das instruções do Exercício 2.







4. Complete as sentenças com palavras do Exercício 1.

1. Double-click the to view a list of folders and files.
2. You will find the Undo command in the Edit menu.
3. The shows you where to type on the screen.
4. The mouse controls both the and the cursor.
5. If you click , the window will cover all of the computer screen.
6. Clicking changes the size and location of the window.

Get Real

5. Com a ajuda da informação do texto, crie um novo folder na sua área na LAN (Aluno) e nomei-o English I.

6. Selecione 10 palavras, em inglês, que você não conhecia, escreva-as no Word e salve-as com o nome Glossário de Inglês. Guarde esse documento dentro do folder que você criou para a disciplina. Veja um modelo abaixo.

English Português
Flash on and off(v) Piscar


A: Plano de Ensino
B: Personal Details Form
Unit 01: Creating a Folder

Unit 02: Word Building

Unit 03: Types of Computer
Unit 04: Yahoo Account

Unit 05: Parts of a Computer
Unit 06: Keyboard and Mouse
Unit 07: LANs and WANs
A Game: Hangman
Unit 08: LANs and WANs 02
Unit 09: LANs and WANs 03
Unit 10: Designing Webpages

Unit 11: Reviewing Websites
Unit 12: Basic HTML
Ladies and Gentlemen...The Beatles
