Word Building

(adapted from ESTERAS, Santiago Remancha. Infotech. C. U. P. , 2002. OLIVEIRA, Sara. Reading Strategies for Computing. Ed. UnB, 1999)


Task 01. Leia o texto abaixo.

Units of Memory

Bits - basic units of memory
Information is processed and stored in computers as electronic signals. A computer contains thousand of electronic circuits connected by switches that can only be in one of two possible states; ON (the current is flowing through the wire) or OFF (the current is not flowing through the wire). To represent these two conditions we use binary notation in which 1 means ON and 0 means OFF. This is the only way a computer can 'understand' anything. Everything about computers is based upon this binary process. Each 1 or 0 is called a binary digit or bit.

Bytes and characters
1s and 0s are grouped into eight-digit codes that typically represent characters (letters, numbers and symbols). Eight bits together are called a byte. thus, each character in a keyboard has its own arragement of eight bits. For example, 01000001 for the letter A, 01000010 for B and 01000011 for C.

The ASCII code
The majority of computers use a standard system for the binary representation of characters. This is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, known popularly as "ASCII" (pronounced 'ask-key'). There are 256 different ways of combining 0 and 1 bits in a byte. So they can give us 256 different signals. However, the ASCII code only uses 128 bytes to represent characters. The rest of the bytes are used for other purposes.

The first 32 codes are reserved for characters such as the Return key, Tab, Escape, etc. Each letter of the alphabet, and many symbols (such as punctuation marks), as well as the ten numbers, have ASCII representations. What makes this system powerful is that these codes are standard.

Kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, and terabytes
In order to avoid astronomical figures and sums in the calculation of bytes, we use units such as kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes and terabytes. One kilobyte is 1,024 bytes (210) and it is represented as KB, or more informally as K. One megabyte is equivalent to 1,024 KB, one gigabyte is 1,024 MB, and one terabyte is 1,024 gigabytes, or about one trillion bytes. memory, the storage capacity of disks and the size of an application or document.

We use these units (KB, MB, GB, TB) to describe the RAM memory, the storage capacity of disks and the size of an application or document.


Task 02. Observe as palavras dentro do retângulo. Depois, complete os espaços com a unidade de memória correta.

byte - kilobyte - megabyte - gigabyte - terabyte
1. One represents one character.
2. One represents 1,024 characters (about a small page of text).
3. One represents 1,000,000 characters (about the text of a 160-page book).
4. One represents 1,000,000, 000 characters (about 1,000 books in a library).
5. One represents 1,000,000,000,000 (about 4,581,298 books in a library).


Word Building - PREFIXES

Prefixes are morphemes (specific groups of letters with particular semantic meaning) that are added onto the beginning of roots and base words to change their meaning. (The Free Dictionary, 2020).

A tabela abaixo mostra alguns prefixos comumente usados em Ciências da Computação. Conhecer o significado destes prefixos lhe ajudará a entender palavras novas.

Prefix Meaning Examples
deci- dez decimal, decimalize, decibel
hexadeci- dezesseis hexadecimal
kilo- um mil (1,000) kilocycle, kilogram(me), kilowatt
mega- grande, um milhão megahertz, megaton
giga- muito grande, um bilhão gigantic, gigabyte, gigahertz
mini- pequeno minibus, minimum, minimize
micro- muito pequeno microfilm, microphone, microwave
bi- dois bidirectional, bidimensional, binary
tri- três tripartite,tricycle, trilingual
multi- muitos multi-racial, multi-user, multitasking
mono- um monologue, monosyllable, monolingual
Negative Prefixes
un-                Negação unconnectable
in- inconsistency
im- imperfect
ir- illegal
il- irregular, irrelevant
anti- contra antivirus
dis- sentimento oposto, ação oposta disagree, disconnect
de- reduzir, reverter demagnetize, decode
Positive Prefixes
re- novamente reconstruct, replay
over- demais, em excesso overload
Prefixes of Location
inter- entre international
peri- ao redor peripheral
trans- através transmit, transfer
Prefixes of Time and Order
pre- prefix
prime- primeiro primary, prime-minister
post- depois postdated, post-scriptum
Other Prefixes
pro- antes, atecipado program
auto- mesmo, o próprio automatic
co-        junto com co-ordinate
con- concurrent


Task 03. Explique estas expressões em Português, levando em conta os prefixos e o radical da palavra.

Example: binary system: sistema de numeração posicional em que todas as quantidades se representam com base em dois números, ou seja, zero e um (0 e 1) (Wikipédia, 2020).
01. Multi-user operating system.
02. Redesign.
03. Inexpensive.
04. A monochrome computer.
05. Overload.
06. A CPU with 2 GB of RAM.
07. A microcomputer
08. A minicomputer
09. A document of 3 kilobytes
10. A hard disk of 1 terabyte.

Task 04. Preencha os espaços com o prefixo correto.

un - re - under - dis - in - up

1. The Exchange Series is easy to grade.
2. Although each version may contain flaws, it is highly likely that all or even a majority of the programs would contain the same errors.
3. Mr. Berque began designing software for the system with a team of graduate researchers.
4. The company asked us to design all the pages.
5. No company can be totally confident that an employee will not, for whatever reason, close a password to an authorized user.

Task 05. Follow this website and do the exercise:http://www.softschools.com/quizzes/grammar/prefix/quiz304.html

Word Building - SUFFIXES

Suffixes are morphemes that are added onto the end of root words. The tables show some suffixes in English. Suffixes may indicate "quality", "state", "profession" etc. Moreover, they are also used to indicate whether the words are nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.

A. A tabela mostra alguns sufixos em Inglês. Os sufixos adicionados às palavras podem indicar "qualidade", "profissão" etc. Ademais, eles também podem indicar se as palavras são verbos, substantivos ou adjetivos.

-ance -ize -able -ly
-ence -ate -ible       
-or -fy -less
-er -en -ic
-ist -ify -ical
-ness    -ish


Verb-Forming Suffixes
Suffix Meaning Examples
-ize/-ise                     FAZER optimize
-ate automate, activate, calculate
-ify simplify
-en harden, widen
Noun-Forming Suffixes
Suffix Meaning Examples
-ance estado performance
-ence qualidade de independence
-er,-or uma pessoa que; uma coisa que browser, simulator, compiler, accumulator, processor
-ist, -yst uma pessoa que analyst, typist
-ness condição de readiness, happiness
-ment estado, ação replacement
-dom domínio/condição freedom
Adjective-Forming Suffixes
Suffix Meaning Examples
-able, -ible capaz de ser portable, illegible
-less sem careless
-al, -ic, -ical que tem a qualidade de technological, magnetic, electronic; electrical
-ish como, semelhante yellowish
-ive de interactive
Adverb-Forming Suffixes
Suffix Meaning Examples
-ly desse modo electronically, logically, precisely

Task 06. Complete os espaços com a palavra correta.

invent - invention - inventor - inventive - invented

1. The most important , according to 34% of the 1,000 adults questioned is the car.
2. Einstein was an man.
3. New software and accessories were in the last five years.

identified - identification - identifiable - identify
1. Computers can digitalize, analyze, and faces. Among possible uses, such might provide an  electronic key to a secured passageway.
2. The man was by his fingerprints.
3. Nowadays people are perfectly with the use of the computer.

Task 07. Now answer this quiz on suffixes

Task 08. A game: Prefix and Sufix Game



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