Keyboard and Mouse

(adapted from Glendinning, Eric H. & McEwan, John: Basic English for Computing;; Azar, B. S.: Understading and Using English Grammar)


Task 01. Match the columns.

01. Esc

02. Alt
Page Up
03. Ctrl
04. Pgdn
05. Pgup
06. Ins
Page Down
07. Del


The Keyboard

Task 02. Study this keyboard. The keys are in four sections. Can you name them?



Now read the description of a keyboard to check if your answers were correct.

The keys on a computer keyboard can be arranged in many different ways. The most common way on a desktop PC is called the extended keyboard. The diagram shows an extended keyboard. The keys are in four main sections.

The section known as the main keyboard has a key for each letter of the alphabet. It also has keys for the digits 0 to 9, punctuation marks like commas and full stops, and other common symbols.

Above the main keyboard is a row of keys known as the function keys. This section includes the Escape keys to the left and the Print Screen, Scroll Lock, and Break keys to the right. The function keys labeled F1 to F12 don't have fixed functions. You can program them to perform different functions such as saving and printing.

To the right of the main keyboard is a section known as the editing keys. This group includes keys which insert and delete data. It also includes the cursor keys, also called the arrow keys. These keys move the cursor around the screen.

To the far right of the main keyboard is the numeric keypad. This section has keys for the digits 0 to 9 and for common mathematical symbols like plus and minus. The keys are arranged like the keys on an electronic calculator. You use these keys to input numerical data.


Reading: two different kinds of computer mice

Task 03. Study these images which explain how computer mice work. Then, complete each sentence with a word.



1 Move the mouse to the left and cursor moves to the .
2 The mouse contains a rolling .
3 There are axles inside the mouse and two interrupter wheels.
4 When you move the mouse, the ball .
5 The mouse moves over a mouse .
6 A plastic light guide channels the light from the LED at an angle, down onto the .
7 A light-detector measures light reflected back up from the desk.
8 Some mice use , similar to the volume control on a radio.
9 There's an identical on the other side to detect the left mouse button.
10 The USB cable carries digital information from the mouse to your computer.


Task 04. Now read the text below to check your answers.

The ball-style computer mouse is a hand-operated device that lets you control more easily the location of the pointer on your screen. You can make selections and choices with the mouse button.

This type of mouse contains a rubber-coated ball that rests on the surface of your working area or a mousemat. When the mouse is moved over that surface, the ball rolls.

The ball's movements up and down, and left and right, turn the two axles inside the mouse. As they run, detectors register the changing position. A small integrated circuit inside the mouse sends signals to the operating system, which instructs it to move the pointer on the screen.

Inside an optical computer mouse

An optical mouse is much more hi-tech than a ball mouse. Where a ball mouse has quite a few moving parts, an optical mouse is almost entirely electronic (it has almost no moving parts). Here's the inside of a typical optical mouse and a few of the main components. The most interesting bits are in the center (where the LED light shines down onto your desk) and at the front (where button presses are detected by switches): Components inside a low-cost optical mouse:

1. A LED at the back generates red light and shines it horizontally, from the back of the mouse toward the front (from the left to the right of this photo).
2. A plastic light guide channels the light from the LED at an angle, down onto the desk.
3. A light-detector chip measures light reflected back up from the desk, converting the analog movements of your hand into digital signals that can be sent to your computer.
4. The scroll wheel at the front of the mouse is mounted on a switch mechanism that detects both how much it's rotated and whether you've pressed it (it functions like the central button of a conventional mouse). Rotations of the scroll wheel can be detected in a variety of different ways. Some mice use potentiometers (broadly, variable resistors), similar to the volume control on a radio but able to turn around multiple times. Others use various kinds of rotary switches or optical (rotary) encoders to convert analog wheel movements to digital signals.
5. A microswitch detects when you press the right mouse button. There's an identical switch on the other side to detect the left mouse button.
6. The USB cable connection carries digital information from the mouse to your computer.


Grammar Focus 01: Revendo o Simple Present (Presente Simples)

Estude estas orações sobre as teclas e o mouse óptico.

This key moves the cursor down.
2 This key copies the screen display.
3 This key doesn't have a fixed function.
4 A LED at the back generates red light and shines it horizontally, from the back of the mouse toward the front.
5 The USB cable connection carries digital information from the mouse to your computer.
6 An optical mouse has almost no moving parts.


  O verbos em itálico estão no Simple Present (Presente Simples). Usamos o Simple Present para descrever coisas que são sempre verdadeiras ou açoes habituais.

O Sufixo de Terceira Pessoa: -s

1. REGRA GERAL: Na forma afirmativa, adicionamos um -s ao verbo na terceira pessoa do singular.

2. Se o verbo terminar em -s, -ch, -sh, -o, -x, or -z, adicionamos -es ao verbo.
     Example: He goes to IFRN every day.

2.1 Se o verbo teminar em consonant + y, trocamos o y por i, antes de adicionarmos -es.
       Example: (study)  She studies in the morning.

2.2 O verbo have (ter) na 3a pessoa possui a seguinte forma has.
       Example: He has a laptop computer.
3. Na negativa, usamos don't (with I, you, we, they) e doesn't (he, she, it) antes do verbo.
      Examples: She doesn't study Computer Science.
                     I don't like Windows 8 very much.


Task 05. Veja as orações (1-7) e corrija aquelas que estão erradas.
        Example 1: This key moves the cursor down. It doesn't move the cursor down.
                                                                              It moves the cursor up

Se você não tem certeza, pergunte a um colega, em inglês.
          What does this key do? (O que esta tecla faz?)



2. This key moves the cursor to the right.

3. This key inserts a character.

4. This key copies the screen display.

5. This key moves the screen up.

6. This key doesn't have a fixed function.

7. This key gives you all lower case letters.


Task 06. Using information from tasks 02 and 05, describe what these keys do.

1. .
2. .
3. .
4. .


Listen to this interview on speech-recognition,
and check the characteristics it mentions.

need a good sound card and a microphone.
take dictation with accuracy.
create and compile a computer program.
surf the Web by speaking.
execute programs and navigate around menus by voice commands.
design graphics.


LISTENING B. Listen again and complete the spaces with the correct modal verb from the list.

can (ability) must (necessity) should (advice = conselho) could (possibility) will (prediction)

1. If you want to get good results, you get a high-quality microphone.
2. You dictate text directly onto your word processor or e-mail program.
3. With many voice-recognition programs, the user first train the software by reading aloud sample texts for a few minutes.
4. Speech-recognition software help children with special euducational needs.
5. In a few year's time, I think a lot of people use their voices to interact with computers.


Grammar Focus 02: O que são os MODAL VERBS?

São verbos auxiliares que expressam atitudes do falante. Por exemplo, os verbos modais podem expressar que um falante sente que algo é necessário, aconselhável, permissível, possível ou provável. Além disso, eles podem expressar a intensidade dessas atitudes.

1. Diferente dos verbos vistos acima (Grammar Focus 01), os verbos modais NÃO levam -s quando o sujeito é he, she, it.
CORRECT: She can do it. (Ela consegue fazer isso.)
INCORRECT: She cans do it.

2. Os modais são seguidos imediatamente pela forma básica de um verbo (sem to).
: She must do it. (Ela deve fazer isso.)
INCORRECT: She can to do it. / She can does it. / She can did it.



Task 07. Match the columns.

a @     b /     c ~     d :     e .     f _


forward slash
dot, stop


Task 08. Pair work. Seu professor vai entregar a cada aluno uma folha. Siga as instruções.



Task 09. Com a ajuda desta tabela e a leitura da atividade 02, escreva uma breve descrição de um teclado, em  Inglês. O primeiro parágrafo está feito pra você.

Section Location Main Keys Main Function
Main keyboard center each letter
digits 0-9
common symbols
input all kinds of data
function keys top F1-F12 not fixed
can program them
Editing keys right cursor keys
insert, delete
control cursor
Numeric Keypad far right digits 0-9
mathematical operations
input numerical data


     Most keyboards have four sections. the main keyboard has keys for each letter and the digits 0 to 9. It also has keys for punctuation and other common symbols. It is used for inputting all kinds of data.

Extra Activity

1. Visit these pages

2. Now answer these questions.

a) Como é chamada a ordem das teclas alfabéticas em um teclado?

b) Quais teclas não possuem funções, se forem usadas sozinhas ?

c) O que acontece quando a tecla Num Lock está desligada?

d) Dê todos os pointing devices (dispositivos de indicação) mencionados no texto. Qual é o seu favorito?

e) Qual é a disvantagem de dispositivo touchscreen (toque na tela)?


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