Unit 02: The Java Revolution

(adapted from Esteras, S. Remacha. C.U.P, 2002)

Java Steaming Coffee Cup
(the Java Technology logo)


1. Look at the illustrations and try to answer this question.

a. What is Java in the world of computers?


A geometrical proof of Pythagoras' Theorem                                          Spirit Mars rover


Brazil National Health Card:
The Brazilian National Health Card program is a Java technology-based system that tracks patient records in a national database.



2. These statements about Java are all False. Read the text and rewrite them correctly.

1. Java was invented by Microsoft.

2. With the interpreter, a program is first converted into Java bytecodes.

3. Java is not compatible with most computing platforms.

4. The Java language is single-threaded, one part executing at a time.

5. Java doesn't let you watch animated characters on your webpages.

6. C# and Flash are not real competitors for Java.


What is Java?

Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems which is specially designed to run on the web. When you see a web page that uses Java, a small program called 'applet' is executed automatically. Java applets let you watch characters and moving text, play music and interact with information on the screen (e.g. control animation and select options).

Characteristics of the Java language

Java is an object-oriented language similar to C++, but it is more dynamic and simplified to eliminate possible programming errors. A Java program is both compiled and interpreted. First the source code (file with a .java extension) is compiled and converted into a format called bytecode (file with a .class extension), which can then be executed by a java interpreter. Compiled Java code can run on most computers because there are Java interpreters, known as Java Virtual Machines, for most operating systems including MacOS, Windows, or UNIX.
Java is multi-threaded, meaning a Java program can have multiple threads (parts), that is, many different things processing independently and continuously. This enables the program to make the best use of available CPU power. .

Why is Java cool?
People are excited about Java because it lets you create moving images and animated drawings. You can also create graphical objects (e.g. bar charts, graphs, diagrams) and new 'controls' (e.g. buttons, check boxes, pushbuttons with special properties). A web page that uses Java can have inline sounds that play in real-time, music that plays in the background, cartoon style animations, real-time video and interactive games.
The Java Micro Edition platform (Java ME) is used in mobile devices. It provides flexible tools to create applications that run on mobile phones, PDAs, TV set-top boxes and printers. Nowadays, most phones are configured to use Java games.

a set top box

Alternatives to Java
One alternative technology is Microsoft's C#, pronounced 'C sharp', a .NET language based on C++ with elements from Visual Basic and Java. There are no substantial differences between C# and Java. When software developers do measurements on pieces of codes, sometimes Java is faster, sometimes C# is. Another competitor is Adobe Flash technology, which supports graphics, and the streaming of audio and video. Flash is used to create animation and advertisements, to integrate video into web pages, and to develop rich internet application such as portals. Flash files, traditionally called flash movies, have a .swf file extension. They may be an object on a web page or be played in the stand-alone Flash Player..

 Compiler  Game.class      
---------      -                                    
 Interpreter  Game        

3. Match each word on the left with its partner to make a common technical term.

1. programming a. browser
2. web b. error
3. Java c. code
4. multimedia d. protection
5. source e. format
6. virus f. effects
7. compression g. applet


4. Which verbs on the left are frequently used with nouns on the right? Write them down.

1. to download

a. the Web

2. play

b. a source program

3. to run

c. files

4. to browse

d. an application

5. to compile

e. data

6. to process f. music
1. To download files

5. Translate these words into Portuguese.

a. Interpreter

b. Object-oriented language

c. Java Virtual Machines

d. Real-time

(Adapted from: http://www.englishpage.com/)


Forms: Regular verbs: Verb + ed or Irregular Verbs


You called Debbie.
Did you call Debbie?
You did not call Debbie.

USE 1: Completed Action in the Past

Use the Simple Past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific time in the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but they do have one specific time in mind.


I saw a movie yesterday.
I didn't see a play yesterday.
Last year, I traveled to Japan.
Last year, I didn't travel to Korea.
Did you have dinner last night?
She washed her car.
He didn't wash his car.


USE 2: A Series of Completed Actions

We use the Simple Past to list a series of completed actions in the past. These actions happen 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on.

I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.
He arrived from the airport at 8:00, checked into the hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00.
Did you add the memory chips, the new HD, and then add the power supply?


USE 3: Duration in Past

The Simple Past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. A duration is a longer action often indicated by expressions such as: for two years, for five minutes, all day, all year, etc.

I lived in Brazil for two years.
Shauna studied Japanese for five years.
They sat at the beach all day.
They did not stay at the party the entire time.
We talked on the phone for thirty minutes.

A: How long did you wait for them?
B: We waited for one hour.



1. SEARCH. Dê a forma do passado simples dos verbos abaixo e classifique-os em regulares e irregulares.




01. Run

02. Download

03. Browse

04. Compile

05. Process
06. Make
07. Let
08. Play
09. Have
10. Use


2. Read the passage below and complete it with the correct form of the verbs in the past.

  • call
  • decide
  • develop
  • be
  • begin
  • can
  • rename
  • have
  • support
  • base

The idea for Java started in 1990 when a team of software engineers at Sun Microsystems (1) to create a language for a handheld device that could control and interact with various kinds of electronic appliances ranging from Nintendo game boys to VCRs and TV set-top boxes. They (2) an object-oriented programming language that Gosling (3) ‘Oak’, after the tree outside his window. The device (4) an animated character named ‘Duke’, which would go on to become Java’s mascot.
With the advent of the Web in 1993, the company made a web browser (5) on the Oak language. Later on, this language was adapted to the Internet and (6) ‘Java’. The 1.0 version of Java was officially introduced by Sun in May 1995.
At that time, web pages (7) only display text, pictures and hyperlinks. With the arrival of Java, web designers (8) able to include animation and interactive programs on web pages. The first major application created with java was the HotJava browser. The Java language (9) to attract serious attention from the Internet community and was soon (10) by Netscape navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Today Java is hot technology that runs on any computer.


You can find applets available for use on your websites at http://java.sun.com/

James Gosling, Inventor of Java Technology


Extra Activity: Computing Languages

(Adapted from Glendinning, Eric H. & Mc EWAN, John)

Task 1. Leia o texto sobre linguagens e complete a tabela abaixo.

C++ was developed from the C language. It was designed as a systems programming language with features that make it easy to control the computer hardware efficiently. It was used to produce the Microsoft Windows operating system. It is portable, i.e. programs written in C++ can be easily adapted for use on many different types of computer systems.

HTML stands for HiperText Markup Language. It is a page description language used for creating Webpages. HTML uses a system of tags to mark page links and formatting. For example, the tag <u> tells the program to start underlining a text. Although programs cannot be created using HTML, small programs can be embedded in HTML code using a scripting language like Javascript.

Java is a Programming language originally designed for programming small electronic devices such as mobile phones. It can run unchanged on any operating system that has a Java interpreter program. Java is used for writing programs for the World Wide Web.

JavaScript is a simplified form of the Java language. It is powerful and easy to use. Scripts are small programs that can be used to perform simple tasks or tie other programs together. Javascript is designed for use inside webpages. It can enable a webpage to respond to a mouse click or input on a form. It can also provide a way of moving through webpages and produce simple animation.

Visual Basic is a programming environment, not simply a language. It uses the language BASICS, a simple language developed to make it easy for people to learn how to program. Visual basics has predefined objects such as dialog boxes, buttons, and text boxes which can be chosen form a toolbox and dragged across the screen using the mouse and dropped into the required position. BASIC programming code is attached to form a complete program. Visual Basic is used to write general purpose applications for the Windows operating system.

Delphi is similar to Visual Basic. It is also a programming environment for developing programs for the Windows operating system. It has predefined objects that can be chosen form a toolbox. In Delphi, however, the code attached to the objects is written in a form of Pascal. You can think of Delphi as a kind of 'Visual Pascal'. Like Visual Basic, it is often used for general purpose programs.


Language Associated language Type of language Use
diferentes tipos de sistemas de computadores
Visual Basic



Plano de Ensino
1. Program Design
2. The Java Revolution
3. The Language of Instructions
4. What is Javascript
PDF: Backflip
Programming: Quizzes
Computer and Internet Quiz
5 . Paint Shop Pro 7 Basics
Programming II: Quizzes
Computer Viruses
PDF: WaterMarks
Photoshop 01: Toolbox and Convert to Black and White
Photoshop 02: Feather and Drop-down Shadow effects
Photoshop 03: Posterization and Colorizing

Bob Marley
6 . Building A Basic Website 01
7 . Building A Basic Web Site 2
8. Flash Bascis 01
9. Flash Basics 02
Test 01
Test 02

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©Sandro L. Sousa