Unit 3: The Language of Instructions

(Adapted from Scott, Michael R. Reading Text Efficiently. 199x. SOYO Computer Inc. SY-7VEM Pro: motherboard. Quick Start Guide. 2001)


The language of instructions has several important characteristics:

• The verb usually come at the beginning of each instruction, except when the text gives necessary additional information or explanations;
• The vocabulary is technical;
• Sometimes some words are omitted;
• The sequence of activities is clearly signaled;
• There is a warning to indicate the danger of not following the instructions correctly.


1. Match the instructions in the sentences (a-d) below with the illustrations (1-4).

Remember to connect the CPU Cooling Fan to the appropriate power on the Motherboard. The fan is a key component that stabilizes the system. It prevents the equipment from overheating and prolongs the life of your CPU.


a. Then Close the socket handle to secure the CPU in place.  
b. Align the blunt edge of the CPU a with the matching pinhole edge on the socket.
c. Seat the processor in the socket completely and without forcing.
d. Lift the socket handle up to a vertical position.

2. Answer these questions.

a. Which words can you identify as technical? 
b. How is the sequence of activities signaled?

c. How is the warning signaled?

i. typographically?
ii. in words?



3. Read these definitions about tutorials in English.

An instructional program that presents new information to the student efficiently and provides practice exercises based on that information. A lesson design used to teach an entire concept. Interactive instruction that asks questions based on the information presented, requests student responses, and evaluates student responses. It is self-paced, accommodates a variety of users, and generally involves some questioning, branching, and options for review.

A computer-assisted instruction technique in which new information is introduced on a step-by-step basis with frequent quizzes given to ascertain if the information is being learned.

Step-by-step instructions for using a program to perform a task or function.

4. According to the definitions seen above, give a definition for Tutorial in portuguese.


5. Follow the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/grammar/texttypes/instructions/factsheet.shtml. After that, take the Quiz: levels A, B, and C: http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/grammar/texttypes/instructions/quiz.shtml

6. Play the following game: http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/words/grammar/texttypes/instructions/game.shtml


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