(Adapted from: OLIVEIRA, Sara. Reading
Strategies for Computing. Brasília: Ed. Universidade de Brasília,
ESTERAS, Santiago Remacha. Infotech: English for Computer Users.
3rd. ed. Cambridge: C.U.P.)
Task 1. Read the text below paying attention to the words in Bold.
Types of Printers Printing is the final stage in creating a document. This is the purpose of printers joined to your computing equipment. Since the results you can obtain with different types of printers will vary substantially, here is a guide to help you decide which one is most suitable for your needs. To begin with, it must be taken into account that printers vary in cost, speed, print quality and other factors such as noise or compatibility. In fact, printing technology is evolving so quickly that there is always a printer for every application or personal requirement. Dot-matrix printers use pins to print the dots required to shape a character. They print text and graphics and nowadays some of them can print up to 500 characters per second (cps); however, they produce relatively low resolution output - 72 or 144 dots per inch. This level of quality, while suitable for preliminary drafts, is not reccomended for reports or books that have a wide audience. They are slower than laser printers but much cheaper. One common type of non-impact printer is an ink-jet printer. It operates by projecting small ink droplets onto paper to form the required image. This type of printer is quite fast, silent and not so expensive as a laser printer. Nevertheless, you can expect high quality results because there are some ink-jet printers on the market with a resolution of 720 dpi. Laser printers produce output at a great speed and with a very high resolution of 600/2,400 dpi. They can scan the image with a laser beam and transfer it to paper with a special ink powder. They are constantly being improved. In terms of speed and image quality they are preferred by experts for different reasons: they have a wider range of scalable fonts, they can emulate different language systems, they can produce graphics, and they have many other advantages. It goes without saying that they are still expensive for home users. We must not forget to mention thermal printers. They use heat, a special kind of paper and electrosensitive methods. They are silent and considered to be inexpensive. However, some colour models that emulate HP (Hewlett Packard) plotters cost too much to be included in the same category. Imagesetters can be regarded as an attractive alternative. They produce very high-resolution output (up to 3,540 dpi) on paper or microfilm. In addition, they are extremely fast. They are used in desktop publishing. Although they produce the highest quality output, they have one important drawback: they are too expensive for homes or small offices.
Plotters are a special kind of printer. Plotters use ink and fine pens held in a carriage to draw very detailed designs on a paper.
They are used for construction plans, engineering drawings and other technical illustrations.
Finally, 3D printers are changing the way we produce objects, from tools and toys to clothing, and even body parts. 3D printing is part of a process known as additive manufacturing (AM). Additive manufacturing allows designers to create complex parts for machines, airplanes and cars at a fraction of the cost and time of standard means like forging, molding and sculpting.
Some printers have removable bioplastic spools in the back of the device almost like a string. When the printer receives the data, it pulls the material through a tube, melts it, and deposits it to the plate, where it instantly cools.
The most common material used in 3D printing is plastic, but the use of some other materials allow for the creation of some pretty amazing products beyond simple tools and toys. In the medical world, doctors are testing bio-materials for regenerative medicine. |
Chamamos de "Linking Devices" ou "Linking Words" (LW) àquelas palavras que, no texto, ligam sentenças ou parágrafos fazendo um relacionamento entre eles. Em geral, a presença das LW tornam o texto mais fácil de ler e permitem ao leitor antecipar os desdobramentos das ideias que estão sendo apresentadas na medida em que estabelecem e enfatizam relações semânticas variadas entre o que já foi dito e o que ainda o será. Assim, de acordo com a LW usada, o leitor desenvolverá expectativas acerca dos fatos em discussão. Desse modo, é importante que o leitor conheça a ideia contida em cada uma delas a fim de poder direcionar suas expectativas corretamente, dando ao texto a coesão e a coerência que se fizerem necessárias para o seu perfeito e total entendimento. As LW podem indicar a inserção de um fato no tempo, que uma informação adicional está a caminho, que uma informação contendo oposição ou semelhança será apresentada, que um efeito, resultante de uma causa vem a seguir, etc. |
Seguindo uma tabela sugerida por Oliveira (1999), os principais tipos de "Linking Words" são apresentados abaixo:
then | up to now | then | but | and |
next | at this point | so | however | and also |
after | once | as | nevertheless | furthermore |
before | when | as a result | on the other hand | |
just then | while | for this reason | instead | in addition |
previously | since | since | on the contrary | besides |
finally | from now on | in consequence | rather | moreover |
at last | now | for this purpose | actually | |
first...then | after that | because of this | yet (usually starting a sentence) | |
at first | consequently | by contrast | ||
in the end | hence | although | ||
thus | even though | |||
notwithstanding (use:means knowing the other items but ignoring them) | ||||
for example (e.g.) (i.e.) | likewise | either...or | if | the first, the second,the third... |
for instance | similarly | alternatively | whether | |
such as | in the same way | |||
like |
Task 2. Pair work: look at the text in Task 1 again, and put the words in bold into one of the columns in the table below.
Indicating addition |
Contrasting |
Sequencing |
Reason/Cause |
Example |
Alternative |
Comparison |
Task 3. Look at the expressions in italics in these sentences and clauses.
i. Yet CD-ROM technology has one disadvantage... |
ii . They are used to backup hard disks or to distribute and archive information. | |
iii . For this reason, it can store a lot a large amount of of multimedia software... | |
iv. If the system had, a SuperVGA card, we would obtain a better resolution. | |
v. Magneto-optical disks are rewritable, i.e. they can be written to, erased... |
Now, put each expression (1-4) into the right category: a, b, c, d or e.
a. to show example
b. to show alternative
c. to show contrast
d. to explain cause and results
e. to show condition
Task 4. Follow the link and answer this quiz. Task 5. Practice the Linking Words - group sort. Task 6. Now let's play the Linking Words - Cambridge.
Nós já vimos duas maneiras de formação de palavras em inglês, através de "Affixation" (prefixes and sufixes) e "Acronyms". Vejamos abaixo mais duas.
a. Conversion, i.e. assigning one class to another (mudança de categoria gramatical):
Print (verb): imprimir
print (noun):
impressão, marca
Book (noun): livro
book (verb):
b. Compounding, i.e. adding one base to another (compostos):
Finger + print
impressão digital
Match + box
matchbox: caixa de fósforos
1. In pairs, look at the words in bold face and decide:
01. To upgrade | Conversion
Verb |
09. Manipulation | ||
02. Imprint point | 10. Publishing | ||||
03. Printed material | 11. Desktop | ||||
04. Windows 2K | 12. Newsletter | ||||
05. Interactive multimedia | 13. Visually | ||||
06. Printing press | 14. Typeface | ||||
07. Pressroom | 15. CD-ROM | ||||
08. Creative | 16. Imagesetter |