(adapted from ESTERAS, Santiago Remacha.
Infotech. 3rd ed., 2002. OLIVEIRA, Sara. Reading
Strategies for Computing, 1999)
A. Give an appropriate title to the text below.
Computers can help students perform
mathematical operations and solve difficult questions. They can be used
to access the Internet, teach courses such as computer-aided design,
language learning, programming, mathematics, etc. Race organizers and journalists rely
on computers to provide them with the current positions of riders and
team in both the particular stages of the race and in the overall competition. Computers store information about the amount of money held by each client and enable staff to access large databases and to carry out financial transactions at high speed. They also control the automatic cash dispensers which, by the use of a personal coded card, dispense money to clients. Airline pilots use computers to help
them control the plane. For example, monitors display data about fuel
consumption and weather conditions. In airport control towers, computers
are used to manage radar systems and regular air traffic. |
B. Find in the text you have just read ten examples of cognate words.
TASK 01 - Quando você está lendo um texto e encontra palavras cujo significado você não conhece, o que você faz?
leitura é um processo interativo, portanto dinâmico,
que envolve uma série de componentes essenciais: o próprio
texto é o primeiro deles. Contudo, o bom leitor geralmente vai
muito além do texto quando está processando a compreensão
do que está lendo. Ele faz uso de um conjunto de estratégias
para criar, recuperar, e intercambiar significados e informações
muitas vezes apenas implícitas dentro do texto. |
TASK 02 – Explicite o que o
leitor(a) precisa saber a fim de interpretar o texto abaixo adequadamente:
a. An Apple for the teacher (but a PC is just as good) The
TASK 03 – Fill in the blanks with words that make sense in the text.
•Read the whole text. It's important to understand what the text is about.
•Read the whole sentence before and after the gap.
•Before you look at the options do you know what type of word is missing? Is it a noun? A verb? A preposition? etc.
•Read the whole sentence with your word. Does your word make sense in the sentence?
•Check that your word is grammatically correct in the sentence.
•If you don't know an answer, guess. You may be right!
•Check your answers carefully when you finish.
•Missing words are often auxiliary verbs, pronouns, relative pronouns, articles, quantifiers, prepositions, phrasal verbs, modals and linking words.
Long hours playing video (1) do not transform your (2) into an aggressive teenager, according to new (3) research. In a paper presented in a (4) in London, Dr. Colwell found that (5) of 13 or 14 who played (6) for long sessions had higher self-steem and (7) levels of aggression than those who didn’t (8) , despite the violence of the most (9) computer games. |
TASK 04 – Let's do another one. Go to the this website: Write words to complete a text. Then, click on "Check your grammar: gap fill".
Skimming and scanning are reading techniques that use rapid eye movement and keywords to move quickly through text for slightly different purposes (http://www.butte.edu).
Click here to check skimming and scanning characteristics in more details.
Let's see two definitions: "It means to find meanings that are intended but that are not directly expressed in something said or written (Cambridge Dictionary)". "To infer or understand the real or hidden meaning behind the superficial appearance of something. 'Lines' refers to lines of text on a printed page (The Free Dictionary.com)."
TASK 05. Match the phrases from the letter to what Jackie is really thinking. Follow this link to answer: Reading between the lines.
(Adapted by Sandro L. Sousa from www.cambridge.org/elt/infotech, 2003.)
A. Click on this link http://
www.eingang.org/Lecture and read a lecture by Michele
A. Hoyleand. After that, answer the questions.
B. Translate these expressions into portuguese: