This lesson introduces you to the use of Forms, Events and
Dialog boxes in JavaScript through the reading of an english text.
As you will find out, forms are constantly used in JavaScript. Carefully read
the paragraph of Events and work though the related assignment to learn about
Events, a part of JavaScript that you will use often.
Forms are not of much use when your pages are done strictly
with HTML and you don't have access to CGI (Abbreviation of Common Gateway Interface,
a specification for transferring information between a World Wide Web server
and a CGI program.
What is a CGI program? A CGI program is any program designed to accept and return
data that conforms to the CGI specification.
1. O que é um programa CGI?
However, JavaScript allows you to make effective
use of forms to create clocks, scrolling messages, drop down menus, and mini
applications. You create a form using the <FORM> </FORM> tags. Different
variations of <INPUT> tags are then used to create the form elements we
will be using in this class. Two variations of the <INPUT> tag are the
text input box and the button. We will learn about some of the others later.
Here is the HTML code used to create
a typical form that contains a text input box and button.
01. Open Notepad and Create an HTML file.
02. Type in the code below.
<FORM name="myform">
<INPUT type="text" name="myTextInput"
size=30 maxlength=30
value="this is a 1 line text box">
<INPUT type="button" name="myButton"
value="A Button">
03. Save your page in your
student account and give it the name JavascriptForm.html
04. This is how it should render:
Including the name parameter in the <FORM> tag is important if you want
to refer to the form object and its individual parts. We will soon see some
examples of this.
Below, you can see an example of the Alert Dialog box.
The alert dialog box is a method of the window object.
The syntax for the alert box is very simple. This is all there is to it.
The single parameter, message, of the alert box is displayed in a pop-up modal
window. A modal window is one that is displayed on top of all other windows
until it is closed. A single 'OK' button is provided to close the alert box.
01. De acordo com o texto, o que uma “pop-up modal window”?
Many novice JavaScript programmers like to use the alert box
to welcome visitors to the first page of their site. I do not recommend this
because it can become very annoying since it will pop up every time your visitor
enters the page, even after following a link to one of your other pages and
then returning. So, that's the reason for the message that appeared in the pop-up
when you clicked on the link above.
1. De que forma programadores principiantes gostam de utilizar o “alert
2. O autor recomenda esse uso? Justifique.
The alert box is an excellent debugging
tool that you can use when you are having a problem with getting your code to
work. So far our code is simple and not really needing such a tool.
But as your scripts get more complex, you will welcome a method of trouble shooting
your code to see how the variables are set or what sequence the code is going
though. So remember the alert box and learn how to use it in such situations.
It is invaluable.
Let’s look at the code that was used to call the alert box in our demonstration
01. Type in the following code
in your HTML page:
<A href='JavaScript:alert("Use this wisely!")'>here</A>
to see an example of the Alert Dialog box.
02. Test your Alert Box.
Look at the value that the href attribute is set equal to. This example demonstrates
that you can use the special technique shown to cause a function, or object
method in this case, to be called instead of navigating to another URL.
JavaScript:functionName() is a valid location parameter for the href
attribute of the anchor tag. Also note that our example contains both single
and double quotes as we talked about in lesson on document.write, remember?
01. Give the meaning of single and double quotes
in Portuguese.
02. Qual é o significado de “instead of” em português?
I use the above technique with a message "not working yet" when I
want to put a link from a page I am developing to another page that I plan to
develop later. Doing this prevents me from having a dead link and also reminds
me that I need to develop the page.
1. Complete the blanks with information
taken from the paragraph above:
Eu uso a técnica acima com uma mensagem
quando eu
um link de uma página que eu estou
página que eu
mais tarde. Fazendo isso, eu
de ter um
e também me
lembrar que eu preciso desenvolver a página.
Here is another example using the alert box:
01. Add in this code in your plain HTML
<FORM NAME=”demo1”>
<INPUT TYPE=”button” NAME=”alertDemo” VALUE=”Alert
onClick=’alert(“Another way to call JavaScript.”)’>
This is a example of using an event handler
to call a JavaScript function. Events are actions that take place in a document
and are often caused by something that the user did. The event handler in this
case is onClick. Some of the more popular event handlers that your might use
• onLoad, onUnload, and onBlur in the Window Object
• onClick, onMouseOver and onMouseOut in the Link Object
02. O que são events?
You place the Window Object event handlers in the body tag and the Link Object
event handlers in the Anchor tag. You will learn about the event handlers in
other objects as you gain more experience with JavaScript.
Two other Dialog boxes are available in the
window object. We will give you a demo and display the code used for each below.
We don't see a lot of practical use for either of these except for demonstrations.
You will soon have enough knowledge to be able to do something similar using
JavaScript that can be customized for your site.
01. Type in the code below
in your page:
<FORM NAME="demo2">
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="confirmDemo"
VALUE="Demo of confirm dialog box"
onClick='confirm("Can you think of a use for this?")'>
<FORM NAME="demo3">
<INPUT TYPE="button" NAME="promptDemo"
VALUE="Demo of prompt dialog box"
onClick='prompt("Enter some information")'>
02. Save your work.
1. Qual a opinião do autor em relação
aos botões prompt e de diálogo?
The confirm dialog box returns a Boolean value, true, if OK is pressed and false
if Cancel is pressed. You can use this in an if statement to perform some action
if you want to. I think the fact that the buttons are labeled 'OK' and 'Cancel'
also makes this awkward to use.
The prompt box returns the value of the text in the field if the OK button is
clicked. It returns null if the cancel button is clicked.
01. Make a
page that contains three links. Use these three links to demonstrate the three
event handlers (onClick, onMouseOver, and onMouseOut) of the Link object.
02. Use the alert box for this exercise similar to the way
we did for the demo of the onClick event handler for the button on a form.
03. Be aware that this problem is more challenging that you
think at first because you need to have something for the href property of each
of these links.
04. Place a dummy function in the HEAD section and call that
from the href property of the link. Follow the example below for the onMouseOver
<TITLE>Event Demo</TITLE>
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function doNothing(){
<BODY bgcolor="white">
<A href= "JavaScript:doNothing()"
onMouseOver="alert('Result of onMouseOver Event')">
onMouseOver Event Demo</A>
05. This is how your page should look like: